Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

Angels Sanguine- Scriptor


after a longer Time without any update or News, here´s something brandnew:

Yesterday i finished the Scriptor for my Angels Sanguine SM Chapter. It´s the real awesome looking Scriptor out of the "Dark Vengeance"-Box.

I only had to add a Jump Pack out of my Sparebox to let him "fit" in my Army. I did´nt cut away the Dark Angel Insignia on his Chest because this could be also a generic Icon used by several Chapters. (and i was too lazy for that too ^^)

To let him look like an Scriptor for the Angels Sanguine i only had to paint his Chorrock in Red/Black. These Colours were painted like i allways do when i paint my Angels... (see the other Articles for that)
The Blue Armour was created by mixing the good old GW Regal Blue 1:1 with Alaitoc Blue. After that i washed the Model with Drakenhof Nightshade and then i started to work the Surfaces out with the basic Mix. Last Step was to apply an very soft Highlight by using Hoeth Blue on the Edges.

Painting the Powerweapon was quite easy.... i started with GW Sotek Green, followed by blendings with Temple Guard Blue. The final Highlights were added with a mix of White and Temple Guard Blue.  

So.... here he is.... 
Hope he will bring psionic punishement upon the foes of the Emperor! ^^